Dr. Gokani and Dr. Berkson met at MindShare in San Diego and have become close colleagues and friends. You will learn fascinating information within the context of live dialogue and sisterhood.

Dr. Gokani believes that chronic pain, especially migraines, as well as debilitating fatigue, manifest from humans becoming out of touch with Mother Earth and normal physical body/mind rhythms.

Dr. Gokani heals “pain” and “fatigue” by identifying a patient’s unique “disconnect” between their mind, body and humanity from Mother Earth.

Dr. Gokani is the Founder of The Gokani Method: Master your Migraine Pain Program. In this program patients learn the “purpose” of their pain. Once you learn what your pain is trying to tell you, it is easier to let it go.

Patients discover how to heal themselves through a deeper appreciation of their mind-body-spirit connection. 

Dr. Gokani recommends specific foods, nutrients, herbs, imagery, meditation, and medications if needed, all explained during in-depth time with each person.

Dr. Gokani combines Western Medicine Neurology (science of the nerves) with Ayurveda

Medicine (Hindu system of medicine) together with transcendental meditation.

You can watch Dr. Gokani on Dr. Oz. Click HERE 

Zira Mind and Body Center, Founder
333 Waukegan Road, Suite E
Glenview, IL