This show is in honor of two amazing scientists that helped the world recognize the human threat of endocrine disrupting environmental chemicals.

Dr. Elizabeth (Buzzy) A. Guillet PhD and Dr. Louis Joseph Guillet PhD—lovers, married for decades, visionaries, scientists—and amazing! Both have been Dr. Berkson’s heroes and colleagues for many years.

Dr. “Buzzy” Guillett was the anthropologist who first took a look at what endocrine disruptors (environmental pollutants that mimic hormones) were doing to our children’s brains and our daughters breasts. Dr. Guillet and her husband, Dr. Lou Guillett, were instrumental in putting endocrine disruption on the scientific world’s radar.

They were the definition of the original power couple. This show honors both and is an amazing interview with Dr. Buzzy Guillet about their work.

Dr. Berkson worked with them at the Center For Bioenvironmental Research at Tulane and interviewed them for Hormone Deception (available on Amazon second edition) over 25 years ago.

Dr. Lou sadly passed a few years ago from lymphoma. Many think this was due to all his years of work in the dirty waters of Lake Apopka in Florida where he did original alligator research. Dr. Louis Guillett was an active man, not averse to actual wrestling with reptiles to take blood samples or measure penile lengths!

Dr. Lou demonstrated that the alligators were getting feminized due to endocrine disruptors in the water. Now the lake has been cleaned and the male alligators are manly again, much due to Dr. Lou’s efforts.

Dr. Louis Joseph Guillette junior was professor at the Medical University of South Carolina’s obstetrics and gynecology department in Charleston. He worked alongside Ana Soto, Frederick vom Saal and Theo Colborn, when endocrine disruption was a radical and unproven hypothesis.

One of his most notable quotes was when Dr. Lou told a US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Health and the Environment in 1993 about sperm counts: “Every man sitting in this room today is half the man his grandfather was. And the question is: are our children going to be just half the men we are?” This quote lives on and Dr. Buzzy is part of carrying on the investigation and pursuit of awareness and answers.

Dr. Buzzy was a professor at the University of Florida. Dr. Buzzy spent years in Mexico studying the effects of pesticides on children’s thinking, brain development, hand-eye coordination, IQ and breast development.

I always thought Dr. Lou looked like a “he-man” that just stepped out of an Irish spring commercial. And I always looked toward their relationship and amazing contributions with a huge heart of admiration.

In this show you will learn:

How pesticides can adversely affect your children and what to do about them. How Dr. G’s Mexico experiments demonstrated pesticides adverse effects on children’s brain development. How Dr. Buzzy tracked the children and effects of pesticides in food and in bug sprays, for many years. Why many of today’s young boys are being feminized, even having early fat pads similar to older women. How endocrine disruptors are effecting puberty timing. How our dirty planet is effecting our kid’s IQ and what this means for their future and humanity’s future. What we can do to protect ourselves. Which foods have the most endocrine disruptors to avoid. How she and Lou got into all this and stayed together as an amazing couple for many years. And much more.

This is a must not miss show as endocrine disruptors have been called “the third major threat to humanity’ after nuclear war and global warming! And Dr. Buzzy Guillet helped scientists and humanity understand all this.