Are you environmentally ill or hormonally castrated by our toxic planet, and exactly what to do about it. Dr Crinnion is an internationally acclaimed physician and scientist on what our toxic planet is doing to our health. Dr. C goes in-depth on the exact symptoms of toxic exposure. Learn how to tell if environmental issues in our everyday air, food and water, and in your home and mattress, are causing your chronic issues from asthma, autoimmune diseases, brain fog, and on and on. The CDC has identified over 200 dangerous daily chemicals and found 104 in every single person in the US. If you or your loved ones have chronic illness you need to know how to assess and treat if these are part of your issues and solutions. Dr. Crinnion has a monthly podcast newsletter for $25/month called the crinnionopinion and he has a conference coming up in March on neuroinflammation and environmental factors to diverse serious illnesses. It is open to all docs but everybody else as well.