Sue Bratton is called “The Trusted Hot Sex Advisor to Millions of Lovers” and is host to the Better Lover YouTube Channel.

Why this show? We live in a time with more discord than connection and more angst and divorce that stability and joy in long term marriages. In this show, Susan shares how to create joy, passion and stability within relationships with more sophisticated sexual know-how.

You’ll also learn how healthy passion is brain protective. In fact, this is exactly some of what Berkson shares in her lastest book SEXY BRAIN (go to for free gifts and to order this book).

Susan is a prolific author.  She has published over 20 books as well as online programs including her Amazon #1 Best Seller, Sexual Soulmates, Revive Her Drive, The Passion Patch and her wildly popular Steamy Sex Ed Video Collection.

Susan’s focus is getting you on “the upward pleasure spiral” — learning advanced techniques and facts about gender differences between men and women, to make love stay and marriages last.

Most of us learn math, history and the tools of our trade whatever that may be. But most of us are never taught how to love, to make love stay. We erroneously believe that if we only meet the exactly right person, love with stay. We think that passion is only part of the early part of romance. But passion is a critical part of making marriages happy and enduring, yet we are never taught how to have passion with our mate in a way that accomplishes this.

Like everything else, practice makes perfect and knowledge is power. This show empowers you to have success and longevity in love. And as you will learn, this helps you have a more stable family life and is even health and brain boosting for your kids. Berkson’s share emergent research that backs this interesting link to happy couples and healthier kids, out of Sweden.

Sue Bratton explains four points to “connect in pleasure” and help you both have a happier and healthier relationship and home life.

These four points are:


Seduction Arousal Escalation Polarity

Seduction is not a “bad” word. It’s a way to move toward pleasure and to sustain peace and success within your relationship and marriage.

You’ll learn about sharing your truth and how to do it gently.

You’ll even learn how and why it’s important to share your fantasies.

In this show you understand how men are all about hitting the “bull’s eye” compared to women who are more about the outer circles of the target.

Once you get the differences built into men and women, you are armed with better tools to serve you beloved.

You’ll learn about “polarity” which highlights gender issues between happy, healthy or frustrating interactions between males and females.

Bratton and Berkson even discuss “gender fluidity” which emphasizes the application of this information toward every and every one of us.


Susan kindly set up a free gift for my listerners.

Go to:

What is the gift? It’s The Sexual Soulmate Pact, which is one of the six essentials for connected sex, excerpted from Bratton’s Amazon #1 best-selling book, Sexual Soulmates!

You can also “see” and learn more from Susan at:

My YouTube 'Better Lover’ Channel 
I ♥️ My Wife