Within your own life, are you committed, without being held hostage in an insane asylum? Are you homogenate through and through? What you see is what you get? Or are you one way at home and another way in public because you have hidden agendas. Agendas that secretly focus on “What’s in it for YOU” though you’d never in a million years admit this to ANYBODY.

Dr. Berkson deeply felt a huge need to do a show on authenticity.

What is it? What does it really look like? Why does it seem that today’s world has so little of it. Or maybe this has always been the condition of life on earth.  Perhaps due to social media, forced media and legal transparency, we are now realizing it?

It’s hard to know whom to trust.

What’s fake or real news? Who are the fake or real people? Angst fills the air of many communities. Around the world.

Americans are feeling the heat of multiple disasters on diverse fronts: hurricanes, fires, mass killings, polarized politics, possible invasion of democracy from outside forces, and possible unauthentic beats go on.

We see some amazing humanity. There were and continue to be hero’s in Houston, Las Vegas and Puerto Rico.

But there’s so much confusion as to what veracity roams our airways.

Life’s so confusing right now; it’s hard to not be confused inside ourselves.

Many of us, caught up in 24/7 speed, stress and pursuit, are cut off from our neck down. We overeat. Seek distractions. Sit more than move. Down pills to sleep and seek fast fixes for complex illnesses.

It’s not an easy path to know how to be ‘present’ within. To find our own authentic selves.

But to heal a serious illness, we are called upon to dig deep and get congruent with of all ourselves—body, mind and spirit. Or else we will be velcroed to a conveyor belt of meds, procedures and learned helplessness.

How do you show up in your life? Worrying how you are going to make more money, be safer, get all your ducks in a row? But this doesn’t include being mindful of your body, food, exercise, or avoiding the ever growing burden of toxins in today’s most polluted environments, which happens to be your very own homes and bathrooms and fridge.

What runs run big pharma, big medicine, and big politics, seems to always comes down to following the money.

Not authenticity.

But money is not what heals you. Knowledge in action does.

Finding your own sacred space and sacred self-love discipline, these are a must.

Allowing a renewed self love and commitment to flourish, is a must.

Not selfishness, but self love, is what it takes to get off the drug and disease merry-go-rounds.

Aren’t you tired of hypocrisy?

Berkson invited Dr. Jill Carnahan on the show to discuss authenticity. In medicine. In life. With her patients and herself.

A true hero’s example of authenticity is Dr. Jill’s inspiring story of healing herself from severe aggressive breast cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. It’s a story of self-honesty, discipline and motivation. From this deep well of experience Dr. Jill passes these passions foreword.

Drs. Berkson and Carnahan met at a gut module for A4M, a relicensing seminar for medical doctors. This weekend is part of an in-depth 2-year certification program in functional medicine for physicians. Berkson and Carnahan were both professors for the 100 docs in the audience.

Dr. Jill struck the audience with her authenticity and brilliance. In this show, you get to hear an in-depth inspiring dialogue about being real. And getting well no matter what disease you have.

Dr. Jill was diagnosed with severely aggressive breast cancer in her third year of medical school. The multiple chemotherapeutics caused gut damage. She developed Crohn’s disease. She was told that this was an incurable, life long situation. She should expect to ultimately lose part of her colon and perhaps even get cancer again, but this time in her colon.

15 years later Dr. Jill is cancer and Crohn’s free. She’s put about 100 Crohn’s patients into remission. As well as breast cancer patients.

This show gets down and real about the body’s ability to heal. What it takes. How to live like this. And why.

We discuss what’s at the core of today’s lack of authenticity.

You’ll learn about the role of the microbiota in health and disease. You’ll hear about “biomes” cross-talk. And how the Cleveland Clinic’s new research discovered the breast biome. And more.