Russ Jaffe MD PhD CNS is one of the fathers of functional nutritional medicine. Initially Dr. Jaffe was a coagulation specialist and also worked in regulatory medicine at the NIH. He heard of some alternative practitioners getting better results than many medical interventions. Being a Doubting Thomas and proactive on "rhoids" he went to check it out. Dr. Jaffe saw the many results of alternative care, like acupuncture. Due to his agile mind and spiritual nature, within time Dr. Jaffe became a moving force in integrative medicine himself. On this show, Dr. Jaffe discusses the 8 predictive biomarkers that clearly identify future risk of disease.  These are available for self-ordering at betterlabtestsnow.comunder the label of predictive biomarkers. 

Dr. Jaffe has trained 10,000 doctors in interpreting these results. Dr. J. feels that these tests give much more practical information than the typical yearly blood panels run by many facilities. Dr. Jaffe helped begin the higher board nutrition certification called the CNS.  Dr. J speaks about how to eat healthier, live healthier and walk your talk to give a higher probability of a healthier future. In this podcast, as in the first, Dr. J. combines scientific word-smithing with spiritual acumen (the Dalai Lama is his daughter's godfather) and much more. Dr. Jaffe says that sophisticated testing and nutrition are the real tools to survive this toxic present 21st Century.