This week: Holy crap, Indiecade! There's a lot of stuff to talk about here, and Compufreak has come down from his icy igloo to share stories about what he saw and played with at Indiecade, including panels, debates, and like, just a whole bunch of neat stuff.

As for just the games we discuss this week, here’s a pile of links: Affordable Space Adventure, Bulletstorm, Bunny Love, Cities In Motion, Consentacle, Dog Eat Dog, Everyone is John, Hanabi, Heroes of the Storm, Ikaruga, In Tune, Killzone 3, Let There Be Life, Life Is Strange, Mighty Tactical Shooter, Nuclear Throne, Pokemon Shuffle, Police Quest 1, Puzzle & Dragon, Radiant Historia, Realistic Kissing Simulator, Resistor, ScreamRide, Shovel Knight, Starcraft II, Super Noah’s Ark, Superhot, Theme Park, and Uggtect.

For other noteworthy links of things that came up: Initiate Fuckplan, That Shut Up & Sit Down Review of Dog Eat Dog, An Introduction To The Complexities of the Thai Language, Hank Green on Sincerity in Media, and TJ Thomas’ Twitter.

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