Tune in to our very first episode where Cynthia, Trisha, and Zuzana talk about how they met and why they do what they do. They discuss the significance of birth choices and why a healthy mom and baby is NOT all that matters when it comes to having a baby. This is about women finding their own voice in pregnancy, and about having a birth that's not only safe, but leaves you feeling respected, heard and honored. It's about having a birth that leaves you feeling at peace. Because isn't that ultimately everything?

Taking Charge of Giving Birth: https://pathwaystofamilywellness.org/Pregnancy-Birth/taking-charge-of-giving-birth.html
American College of Nurse Midwives: https://www.midwife.org
American College of Obstetricians & Gyneclogists: https://www.acog.org
Postpartum Support International: https://www.postpartum.net
Hypnobirthing of Connecticut: http://hypnobirthingct.com
Life After Birth: https://www.lifeafterbirthct.com
Midwives Alliance of North America: https://mana.org
World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/maternal-mortality