On this episode of the NewsCast

Intel forms new Automotive Security Research Board (ASRB) to focus on security of their automotive platform

Good security as a competitive advantage?
Interesting development in the effort to secure cars as a technology platform

Appeals court forces the issue of 'fair use' in DMCA case

Interesting development in the case against Universal Music Group's malicious prosecution and nonsense take-down orders

Bitpay sues their insurance company after giving away $1.8M

Interesting argument in court - indirect loss
Company exec got phished for credentials
Execs fall for "transfer large quantity of money" scam
Follow this case!

China making demands of US tech companies

This has happened before...US companies found ways around this once
Essentially it appears as though China is asking for 'backdoors' and secret access to source code, etc in order to do business in China
Talk about anti-competitive!

The Kardashian train wreck exposes fans' information due to web flaw

Some 'developer' wanted to see how the site worked, poked around and found an interesting flaw and posed it to owners
~500,000 subscribers info exposed