
The conversation revolves around the frustration with the overexposure of the Judgment Day stable on WWE Raw. The hosts express their desire for the storyline to wrap up and for the focus to shift to other wrestlers. They discuss Liv Morgan's role in dismantling Judgment Day and causing discord within the group. They also touch on the recent title changes and the need for fresh storylines and character development. Overall, they express their fatigue with the prolonged presence of Judgment Day and the lack of progression in the storyline. In this part of the conversation, the focus is on Liv Morgan and her character development. The speakers discuss how Liv could improve her seductive persona and be a more effective villain. They mention past female wrestlers like Sable, Torrie Wilson, and Trish Stratus who were able to be sexy and alluring without crossing the line. They also touch on the importance of having diverse writing teams for each division to create more cohesive and engaging storylines.