On today's DJV Podcast, we're focusing on FOOD news - a new study is showing that eating a spicy diet could actually cause you to develop dementia later in life, the Paleo diet is negatively impacting followers down the line and Macy's is being accused of fat shaming shoppers with a line of dishware that didn't quite hit the mark. We answer whether or not soda taxes actually limit the amount of sugary beverages that consumers drink and Bayer is coming out with a new product to try and win back it's customer base after their recent Roundup lawsuits. There's happy news for Chelsea Clinton and Mike Pence's oldest daughter and we're celebrating two amazing ideas around the country to help out animals stuck in animal shelters. 

Want the details on these stories and more? We'll explain everything you need to know and what you want to hear more of - just find us on social media and share us with your friends on twitter @djvshow or at facebook.com/djvshow.     

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