Welcome to the DJV Podcast with Doug, Jen, Victoria and Cara, where they talk all about the regulations hitting New York ride share drivers - the city is halted new vehicle licenses to services like Uber and Lyft this week. Jen gives the update on the continuing wildfires in her home state, Lebron James launches a new show focusing on the history of the NBA and the role of Athletes in politics and Victoria talks about a new study revealing the dangers of plastics in your child's lunchbox. Dentists are saying this week that you CANNOT use toothpaste without Fluoride but Victoria and Doug disagree, Idris Elba has topped the list of the most likely actors to play James Bond after Daniel Craigs tenure ends, and a new study reveals some good news - Young people and Millennials are actually consuming less alcohol than their peers in the 1990s. Then Lindsay Lohan makes her comeback in the headlines with a controversial statement about the #MeToo movement, and Lance Armstrong has an unfortunate fall off his bike.

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