Today we're doing a deep dive into the land of conspiracy theories. There's a new report that's suggesting the Department of Defense is actually responsible for creating and spreading Lyme disease, the momentum is building for a raid of Area 51 (FYI - we do not recommend participating) and the Federal Deficit is officially higher than it has ever been. A Canadian man is facing charges for using a very... unorthodox item as a car booster seat for his child, CVS has joined Walmart and Walgreens in a major recall of eye drops, and Keto lovers rejoice - Blaze pizza has just released a new gluten free, low carb pizza crust for anyone still trying to get their bikini body ready for summer. 

Find out the details in all these stories by listening to the podcast on or by searching for the DJV show on itunes or wherever else you find your favorite podcasts. 

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