On today's podcast, the epically bizarre saga of Jeffrey Epstein continues. His autopsy report is out, confirming exactly what he died from, and a new photo of a painting found in his apartment is making headlines... spoiler, the painting features a former president... wearing a dress and high heels. The women's soccer team are going to court after their equal pay discussions fell apart, rapper A$AP rocky is officially being charged in Sweden, and another democratic candidate has dropped out of the race before the September debates. We also break down exactly what happened in Philadelphia overnight, where 6 police officers were shot and what Jay Z is planning to do in his latest business venture with the NFL.  

Get the details on these stories and more by listening to the full podcast as djvshow.com or wherever you download your favorite podcasts. And don't forget to find us on social media on twitter @djvshow or at facebook.com/djvshow.      

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