Pet expert Warren Eckstein sticks around for an in-depth conversation about connecting with your pets, and reveals a new study by the University of Vienna’s Clever Dog Lab that says your dog can "catch" your feelings - If you thought your up and downs moods weren't affecting your pets - you're wrong! Jen gives the TV report for tonight, so listen up if you're looking for the best new shows to check out! Doug shares some wise words from Patriots coach Bill Belichick about hard work and millennials - and the importance of making sure you choose a career that you love, not one that will make you a ton of money. CVS is also making headlines today with another step towards health, by getting rid of cosmetics and cleaning products full of harmful chemicals. Movie man Chuck Curry talks to Doug and Victoria about the new unauthorized Madonna Biopic that's coming out, and the singer is furious - find out whether Chuck thinks the movie will be a success, or a flop in the making!