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The revolutionary war (00:00:33)
Discusses the start of the US Revolutionary War and the misconceptions about it.

Charles Darwin's death (00:01:11)
Reflects on the significance of Charles Darwin's influence on the understanding of life.

Name change of Swaziland (00:02:42)
Highlights the arbitrary name change of Swaziland to Eswatini and its implications.

Branch Davidians tragedy (00:03:36)
Addresses the tragic events involving the Branch Davidians and the Oklahoma City bombing.

Mae West's imprisonment (00:10:05)
Discusses the imprisonment of Mae West and the impact of such actions.

Erik Prince and private armies (00:11:07)
Opinions on private armies and Erik Prince's involvement in such activities.

Multiple citizenship and renouncing US citizenship (00:12:30)
Discusses the importance of having a backup document and the consideration of renouncing US citizenship.

Population collapse and government incentives (00:15:18)
Shares opinions on potential population collapse and government incentives for childbirth.

Weather modification and cloud seeding (00:19:34)
Explores the possibility of weather modification experiments and the impact of cloud seeding on the environment.

Protecting against a potential great taking (00:22:42)
Discusses strategies for protecting assets in the event of a major economic crisis.

Impact of migrant influx on societal norms (00:24:12)
Addresses the breakdown of societal norms due to migrant influx and government policies.

The US immigration issue (00:27:15)
Doug Casey discusses the influx of immigrants and the potential impact on American society and economy.

Predicting a civil war in the US (00:28:16)
Doug Casey talks about the possibility of a civil war in the US and compares it to the American Revolution.

Critique of Janet Yellen's statement on China (00:29:00)
Doug Casey criticizes Janet Yellen's views on China's impact on the global market.

Comparing US and Chinese productivity (00:30:55)
Discussion on the productivity differences between the US and China, particularly in the automotive industry.

Chinese hacking of US infrastructure (00:34:39)
Concerns about Chinese government-linked hackers infiltrating US critical infrastructure.

Discussion on the concept of folk saints (00:37:44)
Doug Casey shares his views on individuals who are not canonized or beatified and the concept of folk saints.

Collecting 19th-century European coins (00:42:01)
Doug Casey discusses the advantages of small 19th-century European coins as an investment.

Argentina's request to join NATO (00:45:54)
Discussion on Argentina's formal request to join NATO and concerns about its foreign policy decisions.