When people think of an anarchist they think of a black-clad, bomb-thrower advocating chaos.

But, in this episode, Doug Casey explains how the word anarchist has been corrupted like so much of the language.

In fact, an anarchist has a lot more in common with a Taoist than a black-block member of Antifa.

Also in this episode: European anarchism vs. American anarchism Personal responsibility and why people like offloading responsibility to the state.

The false choice of left vs. right

The conflation of a country with a government and 'legal' with 'right' Coercion vs. volunteerism

The type of country where one can live freely.

How Doug came to write the forward for the book that crystalized his thinking

Books mentioned: The Machinery of Freedom: https://www.amazon.com/Machinery-Free...

The Market for Liberty: https://cdn.mises.org/The%20Market%20...

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Doug Casey's books: https://www.amazon.com/Doug-Casey/e/B...