Issue 44 of the monthly magazine film quiz for the discerning film nerd continues with the Penalty Shootout Film Quiz, the fiendishly complicated and keenly contested test of film trivia prowess.

The Adamsons face off to see who will win the quiz question shootout, with a forfeit awaiting the loser in the form of a film they really don't want to see, vindictively selected for them by the winner. This month James (no the other one) will watch Wes Anderson's The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou if he loses, while James (yes that one) will be forced to watch the notorious 2000s film parody Disaster Movie. The score currently stands at 5-0 to James (no the other one) so we all know which way the betting odds are leaning.

Double Reel Monthly no 44 is already out to listen to and next week we'll bring you the Features.