Previous Episode: The Sam Mines Sports Show

We start with New York baseball. Because we have to. 6:50 Can you loan us your pitchers, Mets? 8:20 I forget that Milwaukee has a baseball team. 10:00 We're joined by @Jesse_Horne. Wisconsin football >>>> Wisconsin baseball. 16:00 We talk about why CBS would post fantasy points for preseason. 18;30 Jayson and Jesse talk Blazing Saddles and Gene Wilder (I sit this one out. I've never seen it. Don't shame me). 26:00 We don't get why you shame us on Quentin Tarantino or Game Of Thrones. 28:00 We get to Colin Kaepernick. We do it begrudgingly. I credit @cjzero for his thoughts, which were more reasoned than I wanted them to be. Thank you, CJ, also *shakes fist*. 38:00 I have conspiracy theories ... I'm not proud. 40:00 We get to anonymous sources. Jayson and I leave on a weird note, but I love him. 50:00 I really dislike Clay Travis. 51:30 Jayson and I disagree, but we do what we we do.