Double Edged Double Bill is dedicating an entire episode to visionary filmmaker Guillermo del Toro! Adam Thomas and Thomas Mariani are joined this week by del Toro super fan Alejandra Gonzalez to talk two diverse films from the prolific writer/director/producer. First up is their good feature Cronos, Guillermo del Toro's sparse directorial debut that showcased his love of genre, family & Ron Perlman early on. Then, their bad feature Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, which del Toro only wrote & produced... which shows. Together, our trio are stunned by the amount of puns they can dish out, are horrified by Guy Pearce's hair and perplexed by their picks for next week's episode on Cate Blanchett! So crawl into the most gorgeously creepy corner of the basement and share an ear bud with your favorite misunderstood monster so you can both listen in!

Make sure to check out Thomas doing panels for the Horror and Urban Fantasy tracks at Dragon Con! To stay up to date about the podcast, follow us on Twitter @DEDBpod, our Facebook page and send us feedback at [email protected]! If you like the show, please subscribe to or rate us on platforms like iTunesSpotify or Stitcher!

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