As we all prepare to open our toy boxes again for Toy Story 4, Double Edged Double Bill is doing a double feature from everyone's favorite Disney subsidiary Pixar Animation Studios! Adam and Thomas are joined by guest James 'Rodders' Rodrigues as he classes up the show with his British accent. First up is the good film Up, which drives our trio to tears from it's famous start to it's underrated finale. Then, the bad feature The Good Dinosaur, which feels almost unfinished compared to other Pixar films. Together, our trio makes this an unofficial Christopher Plummer stan podcast, recommends playing with Fisher Price toys on hallucinogens, pitch the Pixar slasher film and picks the films for next week's episode on the Alien franchise. So tie those balloons to your house and give us a listen while you soar over the city!

To stay up to date about the podcast, follow us on Twitter @DEDBpod, our Facebook page and send us feedback at [email protected]! Remember to vote for our bad film pick on the 2019 So Far episode by June 19th! If you like the show, please subscribe to or rate us on platforms like iTunesSpotify or Stitcher!

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