Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. THIS is Double Edged Double Bill! Our latest episode features Adam Thomas and Thomas Mariani going head to head on a double feature of films directed by Sam Raimi! Raimi is best known as the man who revolutionized horror with The Evil Dead trilogy and opened the door for superhero films with his Spider-Man trilogy, but Adam, Thomas and special guest Scott Crawford of The Podcast By The Cemetery are covering two of his more obscure films. First, Raimi's return to horror from 2009 Drag Me To Hell, where Sam traded in his spider suit for an elderly lady's schall and flying dentures. Then, we go back to Mr. Raimi's first stab at the superhero genre with 1990's Darkman. Liam Neeson has an identity crisis with a variety of realistic masks and our hosts are divided on whether or not that's a good thing. Listen to them duke it out here!

Special thanks to Torrey Depina for the intro assist. To stay up to date about the podcast, follow us on Twitter @DEDBpod, our Facebook page and send us feedback at [email protected]! If you like the show, please go on iTunes to subscribe, rate and/or review us to give the show more visibility!

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