Tilda Swinton is one of the greatest working actresses out there. Few actors have her unique range and ability to transform into any character she plays. So, it's only natural that Adam, Thomas and special guest Jessica Scott give her the Double Edged Double Bill treatment! First, Tilda Swinton and a massive cast all clamor for an adorable super pig in Bong Joon-ho's Okja! Then, Keanu Reeves has to face of an angelic Tilda Swinton and more than a few demons in Constantine! Together, our trio answers all the crucial questions. What acclaimed actor has the most Muppet energy? How many dazzling outfits can Tilda Swinton pull off? Which two films will they choose for next week's episode all about James Bond? Well, make yourself a kosher hot dog and fend off demonic entities with your cross shotgun so you can tune in to find out!

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