Seven years ago today, we lost Philip Seymour Hoffman. A true master of the acting craft who more than deserves a Double Edged Double Bill dedicated to his too brief career. So, Adam and Thomas have two very different sides of the Hoffman coin to talk about this week. First, Philip Seymour Hoffman chases storms with Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt in Twister! Then, Hoffman tries to give Edward Norton one last night of freedom in the underrated Spike Lee masterwork 25th Hour. Together, Adam and Thomas answer the crucial questions. Do Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton sound exactly the same? Did 25th Hour prepare screenwriter David Benioff for Game of Thrones? Which two films will they choose for next week's episode on cinematic bromance? Well, grab a plate of too good stake and eggs to eat at the club's VIP lounge and tune in to find out!


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