This week the duo follow-up on some user mail, discuss the Playdate console, there's some Wordle drama goin' round, and... a website for people that have been poisoned???? Then, Brian and Angelo discuss what to do if you find a meteorite, and crashland into a review of Moonfall for the newest edition of their Alien Cinema segment.

This week the duo follow-up on some user mail, discuss the Playdate console, there's some Wordle drama goin' round, and... a website for people that have been poisoned???? Then, Brian and Angelo discuss what to do if you find a meteorite, and crashland into a review of Moonfall for the newest edition of their Alien Cinema segment.


PlaydateTwo Wordle answers today: NY Times switches out wordSeaman (video game) - WikipediaProject Milo - WikipediaFDA Investigates Lucky Charms After Reports of SicknessReport Food Poisoning Now. Protect Others.NASA Begs Please Don't Send Us Your Meteorites, So What Should You Do If You Find One? | IFLScienceMoonfall (2022) - IMDbMystery of 'Alien Megastructure' Star Has Been Cracked