Angelo decided to buy a regular HomePod as he waits for his HomePod Minis to arrive, Apple has new Macs coming out to spite Brian and his recent MacBook Pro purchase. The duo then explore the connection between the Raccoon Whisperer and a Canadian UFO case, and a look at a strange mid 90s Disney documnetary about UFOs.

Angelo decided to buy a regular HomePod as he waits for his HomePod Minis to arrive, Apple has new Macs coming out to spite Brian and his recent MacBook Pro purchase. The duo then explore the connection between the Raccoon Whisperer and a Canadian UFO case, and a look at a strange mid 90s Disney documnetary about UFOs.


Mobbed by Raccoons (25) Tuesday Night 03 Nov 2020 - YouTubeThe Glowing Vision of a UFO Observed Over Clarenville, Newfoundland and Labrador Comes to Life on New Royal Canadian Mint Collector CoinAlien Encounters from New Tomorrowland (TV Movie 1995) - IMDbLost Walt Disney UFO Documentary - YouTube