2017 is finally over, and Will and Andy are talking about new year resolutions for 2018. Specifically, the mechanics of them: how do you set resolutions? How do you keep track of them? How well do you keep them? That, plus lots of chatting about paperback books and “portable word processors” from the early 2000s. Plus, why is there a “.men” TLD but not a “.women”?

Show Notes

Episode 16: Little Wrist Computer | Welcome to Macintosh
Boom! Boom! Boom! | iA Writer for Windows
Atom: A hackable text editor
Drafts App | Agile Tortoise
Resoph Notes
Dot Grid Ep 3: It’s About Markdown, Harry
Typora: A minimal markdown editor and reader
Laverna - keep your notes private
Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 1: “USS Callister” | IMDb
How Instant Black Mirror classic USS Callister Guys Toxic Fandom | RollingStone.com
AlphaSmart | Wikipedia