We've been exploring the cause of the high pitch sounds recently here on the channel and the phenomenon continues in another episode of the Dot.Connector.Podcast by BMC recorded exclusively through Anchor.FM by Spotify. In the last episode of the high pitch sounds we theorized the source of the sounds coming from the Moon and the color frequency of it's holographic nature being the cause. I'm still fully on board with that thought, theory and idea but I would like to extend it a bit further to the source also being the blowing of the apocalyptic trumpets by our boy Gabrielle the Archangel. I've never been an end of the world kind of guy but recently I am. Recently I started being an end of the world kind of guy and I just can't shake the feeling. I've been getting many signs and symbols of the end times and it's taking ahold of me like never before. The latest several days I've been dealt with messages that were particularly easy to scrutinize, decipher and interpret. I was where I was told to be at the time I was told to be there.