From Loss of Friends and Family

Birthdays and Funerals

This Week has been Hell - April 1 Sucks

Dot.Connector.Podcast by [BMC]
Not gonna lie to all of you - this show is half-assed and it's all because of this recurring hell week for Bexx and I every April 1...every frigging year. That's a horrible story for another time that Bexx and I are still living out and trying our best to get our heads around and spill our guts to all about how it ends if / when it ever does. Either way, I'm beat up, I have a slipped disc and I'm trapped in bed EXACTLY where I want to be right now after the doctor doped me up pretty good with muscle relaxers (I hate those stupid things). Either way - I owe you all a much better show and I'll attempt to do it ASAP. There will be a show tomorrow night at the same time / same channel but I'm not going to promise it will be much better than tonights'. Full Transparency. I never lie to you. 

We are the April Fools - Antarctica to Tarot

Here are the three main videos and links you’ll need to follow up on the three main pieces used in this weeks’ podcast.

From Jeranism and his not so recent discoveries in the ongoing mysteries of Antarctica to the most amazing tarot card readings by White Feather Tarot - this is still an amazing show but i will admit if I was in better shape it could've been better and will be as soon as I'm back at 100. Thank ou so much for still joining us tonight everyone!

Jeranism - Antarctica is NOT what you think! [CLIP]

White Feather Tarot - Spirit Guides' message on your current situation + advice & next steps! ✨😇 🌞✨ | Pick a card

White Feather Tarot - Your Future: Career, Connections, and Blessings! ✨🔮 😍✨ | Pick a card

I would like to be the first to apologize for the half assed show you’re about to partake in. Full transparency. I hurt my back this week and I’m jelly from the muscle relaxers, tired and my weekend is filled with horrible things I need to do and or escape from - field with the death and funeral of friends’ family members, birthday parties I should/couldn’t attend and unfortunately I didn’t know Bexx was working this weekend - this whole week I thought she and I would be doing the show together this weekend.

I’m really sorry but I feel like crap and I’m doing anything I can do just be in bed this weekend or until I feel better. I’m crappy right now and no good for anyone. April 1 is always a bad time of the year for me and Bexx as it marks the anniversary of the loss of someone very special to both of us.

That loss and that full story is something to come…just not today.

I owe you all some dope shows and videos and that’s exactly what I’ll be delivering on ASAP.

Take care, happy Friday and Good Night Everyone

Bexx and Boogie

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