#venus #ufo #lowerearthorbit #fakestar #fakeplanet #proofofufo #uap #holocloaking #holographicprojections #holograms #holography

I'm always watching the skies, it's fun. I can't help it. I've always watched the skies and I do it on a nightly basis. Now that I have my new little buddy London who also loves to watch the skies with me I have an excuse for why we sit outside for so long smoking cigs, playing on YouTube and Facebook while I'm recording any weird lights we may see to find o ut what they are when we investigate our findings.

proof of a ufo in lower Earth orbit: I'm not into ufos and uaps as much as I used to be but recently I've been getting a lot of reports about how weird venus has been looking in the nighttime sky. Actually it's the morning sky and it's really weirding people out with what they've been seeing. I have to admit that the capture you're about to look at is equally as weird.

In this rare and high quality footage of a ufo/uap I couldn't help but notice that whatever I was recording it was attempting to holo-cloak itself and it's ship to look just like a fake star or planet. I can only imagine that that fake star or planet it was trying to look like must've been Venus.

Venus is the hardest planet to try and get photos and videos of. I'm not sure why but every astrophotographer I know that has mastered the art got great photos of everything in the sky except for our friendly planet Venus. I"m not sure why - I can only guess it's because Venus is fake. It must have some sort of holo-cloaking technology attached to it to ensure people don't get good photos and videos of this planet for security purposes.

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