Just when you spot the exit, the end of the construct, the open door, and the beautiful blue beam of light that shoots through the crack in the door is visible and gives you the thought of freedom is right around the time you feel the thick, hard, and constant, resistance these powers-that-be have been laying on thick since day one of your birth. They're laying it on even thicker now that you're getting closer to the exit. With every step towards that open door comes pain in the joints, sweltering heat on your skin to the points of blistering and boiling welts rising from the surface. Hair on your arms, eyebrows, the top of your head are smoking and withering into white, ash. The lengths of your hair are disappearing like lit fuses on a firecracker. The light is shining so bright you can see through your own arm and legs.  You're becoming see through as you move closer to the exit - you'll never make it. These are the thoughts that infect your minds at the blue light of the exit shines directly through your body.