Fake Stars, Fake Planets...

Simulated Moon, Simulated Suns

This was an amazing show

Dot.Connector.Podcast by BMC
This was an extension and review of Friday Night's show - this is absolutely amazing. Friday Night's Show was so  good it needed a little more review and respect so it was a no-brainer to run more material in support of it. This is my new favorite show - I know I shouldn't be promoting a different show than the one I'm currently posting but let's face it - when you're in love with something or someone - nothing and nobody can hold yo back from loving it or them.

To the edge and beyond

A hard dose of high strangeness

w/ your boy Booges

Here you can check out the audio version of the podcast as well. 

From giants, the edge of earth, treasure, knowledge, God, IAM, Elohim, Yahweh, Lucifer, the holographic canopy, the real firmament and even the waters above - we have it all for this show. It's absolutely amazing. We have it all in this show and even the show before. If you missed this Saturday's show or you miss Friday's show you're in the wrong. It's time to sit down, shut up and listen. This weekend's shows were NOT the ones to miss - not now not ever. Fridays show was the best thing we've ever aired on this channel. I knew it was going to be good but it as better than expected-  light years better.

I didn't come here to brag but someone has to do it. It's hard being a pioneer in this simulated reality of ours.

I promised you all that this years shows would be the best thus far and I'm coming through on my promise. Both Friday and Saturday's shows have a small intro on the front so be sure to fast forward if you want to skip the intro and get to the good stuff.

Everything I've mentioned in the video's title is something we have actual video and images of - thank's to NASA and a handful of STS missions from the 1990s. By the end of this stream you will know all about the holographic canopy.You'll understand what is holographically projecting the lies in the skies. You'll understand the waters above and where they are, what they look like an better yet - you'll get to see some amazing photos and videos of the waters above.

You heard all of that correct - we found the firmament - it appears that Earth has two. One of the firmaments is just the holographic canopy of the planet. Just like the Moon has.

Next We've got that snake Lucifer in our cross hairs - he's not going anywhere quick now. That guy has caused far too much problems in this past - this has to end, he has to end.

Just when you thought NASA did nothing but lie; you unfortunately forgot that they love to leave truth in plane site. This is exactly what they've been doing since the very beginning of their inspection. I've been diving into tons of old NASA footage and I've confronted with nothing but piles of truth all of you missed. In this very special Boogie Down Friday we are going to take a look at a pile of evidence brought to you by the people you've learned to hate and shut out. Unfortunately because you shut NASA out of your life, out of your research and out of your mind you've done nothing but miss the Easter Eggs they've left just for you.

If you haven’t purchased your dome setup to shoot skydome atlantis and continue this amazing work and research then what are you waiting for? Click on the links below in order to purchase the setup your love and let’s get started ASAP. You don't’ know what you’ve been missing - seriously…it’s amazing!!!



10x Magnification Beauty Mirror

Black Plastic Bowl

