The Only Thing You Know is that You Know Nothing at All

Everything We Know is Wrong

Relearning the World Around Us

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This is the fifth episode of the Boogie Man After Party in Discord. This was a very fun and enlightening event featuring quite a few presenters. Open minds, free thinking- the Boogie Man Channel After Party has it all. In this episode we discussed so many topics. Topics like: religion, creation, science, theories, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, Righteous Angels, altered and manufactured history, the Tartarrian Empire, how all roads lead to Rome and so much more. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Welcome to the After Party!

Tonight's Presenters

Raena Jennings
Christy King
Boogie Man
Boogie Bexx
Robby Skykiller

If you would like to join us in the After Party all you need to do is visit the YouTube Live Events Page and follow the instructions on how to download Discord, install it, set it up with a username and password and join our server. It's not as complicated as it sounds. There is a video that totally explains it in case you get lost or confused along the way. It's very simple. I promise.

Join us on our website at: - While you're there be sure to checkout the Woke Lounge. It's the first and only social media website designed by yours truly strictly for the woke. You can post, like, share, friend and be--friended by woke folks just like yourself. It's A LOT like Facebook except it's NOT run by shape shifting, blood-sucking, code-writing, baby-eating.... REPTILIANS!!

Many of you may already be aware of the Boogie Man After Parties on Discord Chat but if you're not then let me take a moment to break it down for you. Here goes...

Every weekend of Friday and Saturday nights after our live presentation on YouTube we host an after party through Discord Chat until wee hours of the morning. This is an open forum party chat line with text chat and voice chat - meaning everyone is welcome to the party. Typically the After Party hosts about 15-20 and as the night goes on the crowd slowly starts to dwindle down to the last 5 or so.

It's not necessarily how many people that are in there as much as it is who is in there. Who is in the After Party is some of the worlds top free-thinkers, theologians and creative minds we could find here on Earth. Everyone that attends the After Party joins for all of the same reasons - they want to be challenged and link up with intelligent minds like themselves and converse about anything they see fit.

Our topics of discussion widely vary and can range from anything like religion, black-ops tech, the reason for life and so many other things. We are all skywatchers and our crowd varies from Doctors, neuro-scientists and even physicists. Just because I'm bragging about the crowd doesn't mean there is a requirement for what you do for a living in order to attend. Like I said before -everyone is welcome and invited. Just so you feel more comfortable please know that I am a marketing director for a solar power company and Bexx is a register nurse. We certainly aren't doctors, lawyers and such. But if your standards for conversation are high then you'll be coming to the right place to rub elbow with the best and brightest.

Please ONLY plan on attending the After Party if you are open-minded to other folks ideas, theories and thoughts and ONLY attend if you are willing to NO judge matter what they say or how they feel. We don't have many rules in the After Party but the biggest one that comes to mind is...NO JUDGEMENT! Once you've grasped this idea then you are ready to attend. Anyone that judges another participant will be asked to leave on their own. If you choose not too then you'll be given the boot by our administrator ...