I caught a pair of eyes behind the sun one morning while doing photography at the beach. I was at Juno Beach which is about 15 miles north of W. Palm Beach with my wife and my dog Rex (RIP buddy) - I really don't' know how else to put it. When I checked my footage later that morning I saw a huge set of eyes behind the sun. I'm sure this is proof that the nasa sun simulator exists. That's not what this video is about though. I'm really trying to figure this whole thing out. I have a few ideas of what these eyes are and what they may represent.

#giants #proofofgiants #giantsvideos
@Mudfossil University @Little Giants @Walking With Giants

I documented the capture the best I could so everyone could watch it and check to see what they think this capture could be all about. The few thoughts I think it could possibly be is proof of giants still existing in our realm. Next is the thought, theory or idea that it could be an undocumented, and possibly new, planet or moon that others have never heard of or seen before. This is a huge possibility as I already have over 24 objects from lower earth orbit that are definitely undocumented and rogue planets or moons which the IAU don't know of. I've written them about these objects 10 times and have called as well - I can't seem to reach the person in charge of that sort of stuff. You would think by now they would have a better way of handling stuff like that.

Could these images and video captures be that giants still exist? Let's pretend for a minute that these eyes are attached to real giants left behind from Noah's flood - could these things still be alive from the days of Noah? The hope and want overpowers the possibility.

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