Let's hope not but these ADs are pretty cool

They're sure to change your outlook on advertising.

Just incase they don't please call your doctor after 4 hours 

I'm really glad to hear you you didn't bring your own ads out today along with you. Although if you did I'd be very interested in seeing whatever the heck you were planning on doing with them.

I should go ahead and get this off of my chest now, and no it's not the tassels from last night. I'm talking about the ADs I brought with me today. See, it was only fair to ask you the same question you were welcome to ask me. W'e're special now and two folks the rest of the world can look up too. I'm not sure for what but it's a great start to the day so enjoy it. I can't say this has ever been a real thing for me but I love having an option - it's my first time! Never look that gift horse in the mouth. Lets' be honest here, brutally honest here - I don't think you should look anyone or anything in their mouth. That is one intimate place and I think you should stay the hell away from it with your eyes, your ears and anything else you were tempted to put in there. HHHHEEEYYYYYOOOOOO!!!!!

Dot.Connector.Podcast by [BMC]
Promo Sound Bites and Clips -
Prepare to Laugh...It's On!

JOIN US: Every Friday and Saturday Night The next live episodes of Dot.Connector.Podcast by [BMC] Starts at 9PM PST and Lasts Until 11PM PST.

NOTE: Please do me a favor and either leave a comment here on the Blog or on our Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, Instagram, Pinterest, BitChute, YouTube or wherever you feel like. We'll let you lead and we'll of course follow. Don't get used to it. It'll be fun though!
In this quick update we're about to load you up with some of the funniest stuff we could whip up with only one leg and our wrists in handcuffs.

If you know anything about your hosts then you know how much we record. We rarely need to borrow footage from other channels because we have tons of it. If anything we're constantly looking for others in order to dump our images and videos on. Lucky you!

In this quick update we've got some goodies for you. We've been recording some extra promotional materials. Bumpers, ads, ads, intros, outros, fillers, fluffers and so much more. You're so lucky because you get to inherit it all. We knew we were making these things for some lucky mugg, who knew it would be you! You're welcome world!

It's nothing crazy - just some promo sound bites, some quick video clips and definitely a lot of laughs. You'll see soon enough.

Dont' get confused by the intro included at the front of the video collage. I was forced to thread the clips and sound bites all together so I could upload them to our podcast library (technical - long story)- If you dont' feel like watching or listening to something then just cruise by it. There's tons more where that one came from.

Ok so that's it - take a listen, take a watch and leave a comment below. Or visit Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, 4TheWoke, Discord or wherever you want. We're everywhere and I'm sure you remember.

We hope to see you soon and we'll catch you in the next video. 

Take care!

Don't be late because one of us has got to be on time for this damn show!

See you all in the next video. Take care!


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NOTE: We hope to see you there soon!

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