During his entire career, Dan Shurtz has always been driven by his passion to help others accomplish their goals and exceed their own expectations.

With over 20 years of experience contributing to and leading organizations in Retail, Real Estate, Marketing & Advertising, and Senior Living, Dan has seen the power that culture has on the success or failure of individuals, teams and entire organizations.

It is his desire to help organizations unlock their full potential by helping them unlock the full potential of their people. 

Dan believes each of us was created for a purpose and that our great responsibility is to discover that purpose and achieve it to our fullest potential. The Culture Print™ was created to help people and organizations do just that.

Dan created The Culture Print™  to help people and organizations fulfill the purpose and potential they were created for.

He does that by unlocking the power and impact of an engaged workforce and help organizations foster engagement through discovery, declaration, and demonstration of their unique Culture Print.

They believe the foundation of a successful organization is a culture that engages, empowers, and equips its people.

At The Culture Print™, they bring clarity to your unique culture and arm your leaders with the language and tools required to inspire your workforce to achieve success and increase the impact your organization makes on your employees, customers, shareholders, and the communities you serve.