The best leadership cultures are those that encourage their workforce to respectfully challenge the status quo.

It's the best way to get the best results, build sustainability, and prevent mistakes.

It takes a tremendous amount of intentionality, confidence, & courage to create this environment of freedom.

But it is an absolute requirement if you're going to create cultures of decentralized control.  

Decentralized authority and decision making is the most effective way for organizations to deal with the demands and chaos of business.

As a senior leader, you must be prepared to encourage your people to respectfully challenge you.

As a middle manager or below, you have to have the courage to speak up when you disagree or have a different perspective. 

You also have to be prepared to support whatever decision is made (assuming the decision is legal, ethical, & safe) and carry it out as if it was your own.

In this episode, I break down this concept and the power of creating a culture where everyone realizes that it's not your right to challenge, it's your obligation.