Healing Summit Dates: July 12 – 20, 2022
Summit Encore Begins: July 22 – 24, 2022

For more with Dr. Pawluck join us at the Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Healing Summit, where you’ll discover how to optimize your hormones through your diet, lifestyle, and supplements.

Get your FREE TICKET to the summit >> FREE TICKET HERE

The summit brings together more than 40 experts, including doctors, acupuncturists, scientists, researchers, and more to teach you how PEMF therapy can help reduce pain and inflammation, manage chronic symptoms, and even help you fight back against cancer.  

See you at the summit! It all starts on July 12th, 2022.   At BriteVibe, we believe everyone deserves to be happy, but in today’s world everywhere you turn there is division and negativity. At BriteVibe we have created a global movement to bring 8 million people together who are inspired to Live Brite, Live Bold and share BriteVibes. Alone it is hard to change, but together we can change the world.   http://britevibe.com/