Matt inteviews Donna ZaJonc about her new book titled: Who Do You Want To Be On The Way To What You Want?: Coaching With The Empowerment Dynamic.

Deepen your creativity and strengthen your influence as a leader and coach. How do I, and my clients, learn from our reactive habits instead of pushing them away? Why do the same habits keep reappearing in the first place? How can my drama patterns show me the way to being the person I want to be? If you're familiar with David Emerald's teaching story, The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic), you will recognize the main character in this audiobook: Sophia, the coach who walks with Ted and David.

In this new story, we look in on Sophia many years later, after she has become an experienced professional coach. You will hear Sophia's internal dialogue, her doubts, and worries, as she learns to quiet her mind in service of coaching a head strong client. The coaching dialogue here reveals tools and methods intended to help you coach and empower yourself as well as others.

We believe everyone deserves to be happy, but in today’s world everywhere you turn there is division and negativity. At BriteVibe we have created a global movement to bring 8 million people together who are inspired to Live Brite, Live Bold and share BriteVibes. Alone it is hard to change, but together we can change the world.