Bree Cox has been a Certified Personal Trainer for over 14 years and she loves helping women and men transform their lives. She is also a Certified Nutrition Specialist and specializes in Pre and Post Natal Fitness. She's a wife, mother of three and she knows how difficult it can be to find time for yourself when balancing a career and family life. She promises, by making health and fitness a priority, you are investing in yourself and it will better every aspect of your life!

Her goal is to help men and women feel empowered through healthy sustainable habits. She doesn't believe in depriving yourself, eliminating food groups or practicing crazy restrictive diets will ever be the way to create lasting change or balance in your life. She believes fitness should be fun and working towards your goals should feel good! When you love your program and you feel satisfied and strong, you’ll stick to it!

We believe everyone deserves to be happy, but in today’s world everywhere you turn there is division and negativity. At BriteVibe we have created a global movement to bring 8 million people together who are inspired to Live Brite, Live Bold and share BriteVibes. Alone it is hard to change, but together we can change the world.