Previous Episode: 1980s Horror Movie Trivia

And another season passes us by. It’s been a long three years. But I don’t have to tell any of you that. A lot has changed since I rolled this show out in February 2019. Some for the good. Some for the not-so-good. But we’re here and we’re still asking (and answering) trivia questions. I hope you enjoy the Season Three Finale.

Thanks for sticking with me for this long. I promise to keep plugging away with new episodes into Season Four (and beyond). As with our past Season Finales, we’ve comprised the Season Three Finale of questions from the past 51 episodes. And the fourth round, aka The Freaky Round? That’s back! So you’ve got 40 questions to deal with this week.

Good luck!

Share your score on Twitter, when you’ve finished this episode. A few folks have started it as a way to brag (or own their screw-ups). Either way, I’d love to hear how you did this week. Just tag us and tag #DorkyGeekyNerdy in your tweet.


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