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Another Star Trek episode? Why of course! We wouldn't want it any other way around here.

Another Star Trek episode? Why of course! We wouldn’t want it any other way around here. This week, were hitting the fifth live-action Star Trek series, and the last that aired on a traditional TV network. So, let’s dive into Enterprise Trivia!

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Music is Big Blues by Jason Shaw

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Episode Transcript/Quiz

Episode Introduction

Welcome back to the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. This week, we engage with our fifth Star Trek episode, Star Trek: Enterprise.

As always, we have thirty fun trivia questions that I’ll ask and you answer. Pretty simple. If you’re looking for more fun, head over to for more episodes, including four other Star Trek series.

OK, shuttlepod’s on board, so let’s shove off.

The Dorky Round

1. Unlike the previous three Star Trek series, Enterprise didn't last seven seasons. How many seasons did it last?Four

2. What was the Enterprise's registry number?NX-01

3. What was the name of the Enterprise's sister ship?Columbia

4. What was the name of Captain Archer's dog?Porthos.

5. Which character was a professor in Brazil before coming aboard the Enterprise?Hoshi Sato

6. What is Trip's full name?Charles Tucker III

7. The Enterprise lacked traditional tractor beams and had to rely on what instead?Magnetic Grapplers

8. Who guest starred as Dr. Arik Soong?Brent Spiner

9. The show premiered in what year?2001

10. The Enterprise didn't have shields. What defensive measures did she have?Polarized Hull Plating

The Geeky Round

1. Love it or hate it, what was the title of the show's theme song?Where My Heart Will Take Me. It was renamed from Faith of the Heart when rewritten for the show.

2. What was the title of the first episode?“Broken Bow”

3. What was the title of the last episode?“These Are The Voyages…”

4. What race was Phlox a member of?Denobulan

5. The Enterprise was the first Earth ship to achieve what speed?Warp Five

6. Which crew member lost a relative when the Xindi attacked Earth?Trip. His sister was killed.

7. What three characters are the only three to appear in every episode?Archer, T’Pol, and Trip

8. Who voiced the ships' computers in the episodes In A Mirror, Darkly and These are the Voyages?Majel Barrett. She voiced Starfleet computers in five different series.

9. There is a replica statue of who in Archer's quarters?Zephram Cochrane

10. What does the M in M-Class planet stand for?Minshara.

The Nerdy Round

1. What sport was Captain Archer a fan of?Water Polo

2. What veteran DS9 actor played Commander Shran?Jeffrey Combs

3. Two members of the crew were Eagle Scouts. Who were they?Archer and Malcom Reed

4. How many wives did Dr. Phlox have?Three

5. How old is T'Pol at the start of the series?Sixty-Three

6. What was the name of the ship Travis Mayweather was born on?The ECS Horizon

7. What does MACO stand for?Military Assault Command Operations

8. In what episode does the crew find themselves in WW2 on Earth?Storm Front

9. Had the show been renewed for a fifth season, what was going to be added to the Enterprise itself?A secondary hull. Making her look more like the classic Enterprise.

10. Malcolm Reed was named for a character in what series of books?The Horatio Hornblower series. Gene Roddenberry pitched the original Star Trek as Hornblower in Space.

Episode Conclusion

Well, it’s been a long road getting from there to here but you made it. There’s still more Star Trek to be had, so subscribe and rate the show.

We’ll be back next week with more TV trivia. Here’s your hint:

“Who would famously be underestimated by his adversaries until he stopped to ask “just one more thing”?”

I look forward to seeing you all again next week. Same time, same channel.

This has been the Dorky, Geeky, Nerdy Trivia Podcast. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. Thanks for listening.

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