Our third trip into Star Trek and out to the Frontier with Sisko and the crew of Deep Space Nine.

Our third trip into the Star Trek universe and out to the Frontier with Benjamin Sisko and the crew of Deep Space Nine. It’s my personal favorite Star Trek series (and one of my all-time favorites). How well do your know the fourth series and the only one to take place on space station?

As always, we have three rounds of ten questions each. Each round is harder than the last. If you’re looking for a score sheet or rules, check out our Rules page.

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Episode Transcript/Quiz

Episode Introduction

Welcome to the edge of the Final Frontier.

Hey there, gang. I’m your host, Brian Rollins and this is the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. Every week, we get into another geeky trivia topic. This week, it’s my personal favorite show of all time, Star Trek Deep Space Nine. I’m an all around Trekker, but there’s something about DS9 that makes me watch it over and over.

If you’re new, welcome aboard. Be sure to clear anything you brought on board with Odo. If you need some rules and regulations, you can find them at Dorky Geeky Nerdy dot com slash rules.

Grab a runabout, and let’s head for the Gamma Quadrant.

The Dorky Round

1. Which character was promoted from commander to captain during the course of the series?Benjamin Lafayette Sisko

2. What term did the religious faithful of Bajor use to refer to Ben Sisko?The Emissary

3. Who taught at the school on the station?Keiko O’Brien

4. Which character was (eventually) revealed to be genetically engineered as a child?Doctor Julian Bashir

5. Which Cardassian secret service agency used to employ Garak, the plain, simple tailor?The Obsidian Order

6. What was the Bajoran name for the Wormhole?The Celestial Temple

7. How many Runabouts were originally assigned to DS9?Three (The Rio Grande, the Ganges, and the Yangzee Kiang)

8. In what DS9 episode is the crew forced into a game of chula?Move Along Home

9. Before the station was called Deep Space Nine, what was its name?Terok Nor

10. Although credited in every episode of the series, which actor only appeared in 71 episodes?Cirroc Lofton who played Jake Sisko

The Geeky Round

1. Released in 2019, what was the name of the documentary about DS9?What We Left Behind2. Which character was created when Michelle Forbes chose not to reprise her role as Ensign Ro?Major Kira Nerys3. Which klingons who first appeared in the original series returned for Deep Space Nine's 'Blood Oath' in season two?Kor, Kang, and Koloth4. What was the registry number for the USS Defiant?NX-742055. What Academy Award winner was a recurring villain on DS9?Louise Fletcher (who played Kai Winn)6. How many episodes of DS9 feature the mirror universe?Five.7. The Defiant's hull features what extra protection?Ablative armor8. What was the name of DS9's sister station?Empok Nor9. Which episode saw Chief O'Brien sentenced to have twenty years of imprisonment implanted in his memory?“Hard Time”. One of the many “O’Brien must suffer” episodes10. While the series featured a lot of recurring guest stars, which actor guested the most?Aron Eisenberg appeared as Nog 47 times.

The Nerdy Round

1. How many hours are in a Bajoran day?Twenty-Six

2. Ira Stephen Behr took over as showrunner for which season?Season Three

3. Who intended to be mistaken for Gul Darhe'el?Aamin Marritza

4. The temporal agents featured in 'Trials and Tribble-ations' were named as anagrams for the leads of what contemporaneous series?The X-Files. Dulmer and Luclsy are anagrams of Mulder and Scully.

5. The USS Defiant was named after a Federation starship in what Original Series episode?The Tholian Web

6. Which Runabout survived all seven seasons?The Rio Grande

7. How many authorized hosts did Dax have, including Ezri?Nine, if we don’t count Verad.

8. What's the last line of dialogue of the series?“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Spoken by Quark.

9. What ship replaced the destroyed Defiant in Season Seven?The USS Sao Paulo

10. What character was promoted the fastest in Star Trek history?Nog. He went from civilian to cadet to ensign to lieutenant junior grade in the space of the series’ seven years.

Episode Conclusion

And we’re back at the station. I hope you enjoyed our little trip into another Star Trek series.

Like I said, it’s my personal favorite. What’s yours? Swing by Facebook or Twitter and drop us a note. As we wrap up the year, we’re also looking for suggestions for shows in 2020, so don’t be shy.

Speaking of future episodes, here’s your clue for next week:

“The earliest surviving examples of one of these is the De re coquinaria from the first century.”

That’s all for now. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. Thanks for listening and walk with the Prophets my child.

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