It's episode 42 and we'd be dumber than a Vogon to pass on the chance to do a Hitchhiker's episode.

It’s episode 42 and we’d be dumber than a Vogon to pass on the chance to do a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy episode! Are you ready for some Hitchhiker’s Guide trivia? I know I am.

A classic of comedy and science fiction, the series has stood the test of time and been enjoyed by several generations now.

Thanks for joining us for forty-two episodes. It’s been a great ride so far. If you’re enjoying the show, please leave us a five-star review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to us. We’d like to keep going and provide more stuff like Hitchhiker’s Guide trivia in the future. More listeners is a huge help.


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Episode Transcript/Quiz

Episode Introduction

Do you know where your towel is?

Hey there fellow travellers, I’m your host, Brian Rollins and this is the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. Of course, we had to have an episode of the venerable classic.

If you’re new, welcome aboard. For those of you that have hitchhiked with us before, you know the drill. Thirty questions broken up into three rounds. If you need a guide, you can visit for some help.

OK, you Hoopy Froods, stick out your thumbs and let’s get off this rock.

The Dorky Round

1. The Starship Heart of Gold is powered by what fantastic device?The Infinite Improbability Drive

2. What is 'Big. Really big. You can't begin to imagine how big (this) is'?Space

3. What is the answer to the ultimate question of Life, The Universe, and Everything?Forty-Two

4. What was the last message from the dolphins before they left Earth?“So long and thanks for all the fish.”

5. What was Trillian's full name?Trisha MacMillan

6. After its revision by Ford Prefect, what was Earth described as being in the Guide?Mostly harmless.

7. The Vogans wouldn't even lift a finger to save their own mothers from what creature?The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal

8. What is written on the Guide's cover, in large, friendly letters?Don’t Panic

9. Marvin has a chronic pain located where?In all the diodes down his left side.

10. What was the name of the computer on board the Starship Heart of Gold?Eddie

The Geeky Round

1. Drinking what is like 'having your brains smashed in by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick'?A Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

2. Hitchhiker's Guide first appeared in what medium?It debuted on radio in 1978. The book would be published the following year.

3. The radio show's theme music was performed by what American rock band?The Eagles performed Journey of the Sorcerer

4. What actor played Arthur Dent in both the radio and TV versions?Simon Jones. He also has a cameo in the 2005 film.

5. What creature is doomed to be killed over and over by Arthur Dent?Agrajag.

6. Who was the voice of The Book in the 2005 film and also the voice of the British Harry Potter audiobooks?Stephen Fry

7. What prophet appears in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe?Zarquon

8. Who is Arthur Dent's soulmate?Fenchurch

9. How do Arthur and Ford escape Lamuella?They ride off on Perfectly Normal Beasts

10. What computational force was a major step up from the Infinite Improbability Drive?Bistromathics

Book of the Week

A quick break for the book of the week, so mix yourself a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster and check out “Don’t Panic: Douglas Adams & The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Neil Gaiman.

In Don’t Panic, Gaiman celebrates everything Hitchhiker: the original radio play, the books, comics, video and computer games, films, television series, record albums, stage musicals, one-man shows, the Great One himself, and towels. And as Douglas Adams himself attested: “It’s all absolutely devastatingly true—except the bits that are lies.”

You can find this, or any other book of the week at Finish that drink and let’s go.

The Nerdy Round

1. The TV series ran for how many episodes?A grand total of six.

2. What philosopher uses the existence of the Babel Fish as proof of the non-existence of God?Oolon Colluphid. It should be noted that leading theologians have called his work “a load of dingo’s kidneys”

3. What was the full name of Arthur Dent's daughter?Random Frequent Flyer Dent

4. Who voiced Agrajag in the radio play?Douglas Adams

5. According to the Guide, what is the key to flying?Throwing yourself at the ground and missing.

6. What was the occupation of Gag Halfront?Private brain care specialist

7. The Ruler of the Universe keeps what as a pet?A cat. It is named, The Lord

8. After leaving Magrathea, who does Slartibartfast work for?The Campaign for Real Time

9. Who makes it his mission to insult every being in the universe, in alphabetical order?Wowbagger, the infinitely prolonged.

10. What deity is worshipped by the people of Lamuella?The Almighty Bob

Episode Conclusion

And we’re back on Earth. Or at least an Earth. I’m not sure which. Thanks for joining us for our 42nd episode. I hope you had fun.

Next week, we’re heading off into space again. Here’s your clue:

“Premiering on January 3, 1993, what Sci-Fi TV series featured an African-American lead and was a spin-off of a spin-off?”

It’s my personal favorite TV series, so I’m really looking forward to sharing it with you. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. Have a nice cup of tea and thank you for listening.

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Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Kevin MacLeod

Copyright 2019-2021 by Brian Rollins

Permission granted to redistribute audio but only if left unaltered.