Back every Sunday with Dopefiend Quarantined, The Dopefiend is joined by a batch of regular DopeTribe Suspects including Lorenzo Hagerty, The Gremlin of Ganja, Billy G, the Bagginsis, ScoobySnakks, Esse B, Teenage Pie and Mrs Mole, J Hobbs, Syconot, Son of Gonzo and DQ newcomers Mt Samson and Skizz to talk about waking and baking, getting high at work, performing while high versus performing while sober, microdosing psychedelics, Teenage Pie's band Seven Seals' new vinyl album (email [email protected] to purchase) and the glory of Green Lady's magnificent Millionaire's Shortbread! Get in touch via [email protected], Twitter @dopefiend and Instagram @dopefiendquarantined.