Welcome back all you high cats and cool kittens to the DOPE Thoughtz Podcast!!! To start things off we wrap up our political escapade over the last month by giving our opinions of the outcome of the presidential election; unlike many others we aren’t ready to celebrate POTUS leaving office because the ideaology that he stands for now has a mascot behind them provoking them to keep fighting for him... After covering our feelings of this shitty outcome we discuss the idea of “Pandemic Fatigue” and how it could be contributing to the increasing Numbers of COVID cases we’re seeing globally. And as these COVID numbers go up, countries go back into Lockdown and the potential economic downfall could be felt be more people that before- Ireland ALONE is expecting 150,000 job losses during their mandated lockdown. Between the clouds, you get some facts and hell rants as we catch y’all up to speed. Thank you everyone for your continued love and support, we hope you enjoy.


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