Shane and Pauly interview medicinal marijuana activist and Iraq War veteran Sean Azzariti, who uses marijuana to treat his PTSD. Sean is best-known for being the first person to ever buy legal weed in Denver, Colorado on Jan 1, 2014. Sean explains how he got tapped to be the first recreational buyer and how he's working on a bill to get PTSD listed as one of the approved conditions for medicinal marijuana in Colorado. Sean sheds a little insight into his two tours in Iraq with the Marines, including getting bribed with giant bags of hashish, plus treacherous encounters with camel spiders. This week’s Dope Media picks include: High Times podcast - The Stash, Back and Forth (documentary about Dave Grohl forming the Foo Fighters), Pharoahe Monch's new album P.T.S.D., Roadside Prophets (1992 movie with John Cusak), and Scrapple documentary.