Hey gang! As you might have noticed there’s a fancy new audio player on the left hand column of our website. That audio player is provided by Stitcher! Stitcher is a podcast directory service similar to iTunes. In addition to that fancy audio player, we also have good news for Android users. Stitcher has an Android app that you can...

The post We’re on Stitcher!! appeared first on Doom Thugs.

Hey gang!

As you might have noticed there’s a fancy new audio player on the left hand column of our website. That audio player is provided by Stitcher!

Stitcher is a podcast directory service similar to iTunes.

In addition to that fancy audio player, we also have good news for Android users.

Stitcher has an Android app that you can install on your device to help manage your subscriptions to various podcasts — including Doom Thugs.

You can check out the app here. Just install on your Android device and search for Doom Thugs.

Stitcher Radio for Podcast Android App.

The post We’re on Stitcher!! appeared first on Doom Thugs.