Hey gang! We have a very cool and great episode for you all to enjoy this week! Harrison’s awesome ass cousin Mike (cool name) and his awesome ass wife Nicole join us for our first episode back to standard Doom Format. It is a lot of fun with a lot of laughter and….ummm……….what else……..something important……..OHH YEAH ALSO THERE IS THE...

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Hey gang! We have a very cool and great episode for you all to enjoy this week! Harrison’s awesome ass cousin Mike (cool name) and his awesome ass wife Nicole join us for our first episode back to standard Doom Format. It is a lot of fun with a lot of laughter and….ummm……….what else……..something important……..OHH YEAH ALSO THERE IS THE DEBUT OF A NEW GAME!!!!! It’s awesome. And like. Super fun to play. I want to play it again right now but my wife is asleep and my dog is literally deaf. anyway. Listen and enjoy baby!






The DoomThugs.com Podcast is recorded and produced in Delco and is the number one podcast in Delco

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