Hello everybody. It is the last Monday of 2015, and what a year it has been for the DoomThugs. We welcome back our dear and beautiful friend Adam to celebrate the birth of a new year, and to reflect on the time that has passed. Also to talk about hash browns and monk fish. And also he gives some incredible...

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Hello everybody. It is the last Monday of 2015, and what a year it has been for the DoomThugs. We welcome back our dear and beautiful friend Adam to celebrate the birth of a new year, and to reflect on the time that has passed. Also to talk about hash browns and monk fish. And also he gives some incredible hacks for our fans living in the first state aka Delaware. It is so fun to scream “Delaware hack”! As always when Adam is around, a great time is had, and the intelligence of the rest of us raises by at least 10% just from being around him. He is great. This episode is great.


If I could just take a moment here to genuinely thank you for listening. As I think back on this year that has passed, and I think of the friends I have made through this podcast, and all the laughs I have had and all the joy that has poured into my life every week, I get tears of joy in my dumb eyes. Honestly when you tell me you listen to and enjoy the show, it makes my life better. Knowing that we may help you get through at least a small part of a rough week is a feeling that I am not sure can be matched. We love you guys. Thank you for a great 2015, and let’s all make 2016 even better!








The DoomThugs.com Podcast is recorded and produced in Delco

The post Episode 72 – Delaware Hacks appeared first on Doom Thugs.